Biruk Tsegaye – Senior Mobile Developer

Starting in Germany

Within 03 months

University Degree

Bachelor of Software Engineering
from Addis Ababa University


10+ Years

English: Fluent

German: B1

Starting Salary

65.000 EUR


Tel: +4969299149650



Technology Service Manager and Software Programmer


Programming languages: Java, RxJava, Kotlin, HTML, Dart, Javascript, Python, PHP, C#, SCSS, XML, Typescript, Swift
Mobile Development Frameworks: Android SDK(Dagger), React Native, Flutter
Database Management: MySQL, SQL, NoSQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL

Short Resume:

Position: Senior Mobile Developer at FINBIT focusing on mobile app development and innovation
Skills: Highly skilled in JavaScript, proficient in various frameworks and technologies, strong communication and teamwork skills
Experience: Held roles at FINBIT, LIFT-BV, Securicom Advanced Technologies, Sync Technologies with achievements in mobile app development


I’m motivated to move to Germany for its vibrant tech industry, rich culture, high quality of life, and the chance to grow professionally while building a global network.

Video – English

Amro Walid Muhammad – German Profile

Video – German


Programmiersprachen: C#, JavaScript
Datenbanken: SQL Server
Frameworks/Bibliotheken: .NET Core, Winforms, Razor, React, Selenium, GDI, GDI+, JavaFX

Kurzer Lebenslauf:

Über 5 Jahre Erfahrung in der Full-Stack- und Desktop-Anwendungsentwicklung.
Als Softwareentwickler gearbeitet und Expertise in Technologien wie .NET Core, Winforms, React, JavaScript, SQL Server, Ubuntu und AWS EC2 erworben.

Die Motivation:

Ich bin auf Upwork aufgrund meiner Expertise als Top-Bewerteter eingestuft. Ich blühe auf, wenn es darum geht, nahtlose Web- und App-Erlebnisse zu schaffen, Teams zu leiten und erstklassige Leistung und Sicherheit zu gewährleisten.